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这是调用相机 zAZHTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网

	public static File getImageFromCamer(Context context, File cameraFile,			int REQUE_CODE_CAMERA, Intent intent) {		intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE);		File fileDir = HelpUtil.getFile(context, "/Tour/user_photos");		cameraFile = new File(fileDir.getAbsoluteFile() + "/"				+ System.currentTimeMillis() + ".jpg");		intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, Uri.fromFile(cameraFile));		((Activity) context).startActivityForResult(intent, REQUE_CODE_CAMERA);		return cameraFile;	}

在这里我返回了一个file对象,这是应为项目中需要,大家可以不必真写,直接传一个Uri对象过来就好了zAZHTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网

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下面是调用相册zAZHTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网

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public static void getImageFromPhoto(Context context, int REQUE_CODE_PHOTO) {		Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_PICK, null);		intent.setDataAndType(MediaStore.Images.Media.EXTERNAL_CONTENT_URI,				"image/*");		((Activity) context).startActivityForResult(intent, REQUE_CODE_PHOTO); 	}

当然接下来是调用Activity的OnActivityResult了zAZHTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网

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	@Override	protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) {		if (resultCode == RESULT_OK) {			switch (requestCode) {			case ConstantUtil.REQUE_CODE_CAMERA:				uri = Uri.fromFile(cameraFile);				PhotoUtil.startPhotoZoom(context, uri,						ConstantUtil.REQUE_CODE_CROP);				break;			case ConstantUtil.REQUE_CODE_PHOTO:				if (null != data) {//为了取消选取不报空指针用的					uri = data.getData();					PhotoUtil.startPhotoZoom(context, uri,							ConstantUtil.REQUE_CODE_CROP);				}				break;			case ConstantUtil.REQUE_CODE_CROP:				if(uri==null){					break;				}				cropBitmap=HelpUtil.getBitmapFromUri(uri,context);				if (cropBitmap != null) {					iv_headphoto.setImageBitmap(cropBitmap); 					baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();					cropBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100, baos);					headPicString = new String(Base64.encode(							baos.toByteArray(), 0));					UploadPic(headPicString);				} 				break;			default:				break;			}		}

当然还有大家关心的剪切zAZHTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网
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public static void startPhotoZoom(Context context, Uri uri,			int REQUE_CODE_CROP) {		int dp = 500; 		Intent intent = new Intent("");		intent.setDataAndType(uri, "image/*");		// 下面这个crop=true是设置在开启的Intent中设置显示的VIEW可裁剪		intent.putExtra("crop", "true");		intent.putExtra("scale", true);// 去黑边		intent.putExtra("scaleUpIfNeeded", true);// 去黑边		// aspectX aspectY 是宽高的比例		intent.putExtra("aspectX", 1);//输出是X方向的比例		intent.putExtra("aspectY", 1);		// outputX outputY 是裁剪图片宽高,切忌不要再改动下列数字,会卡死		intent.putExtra("outputX", dp);//输出X方向的像素		intent.putExtra("outputY", dp);		intent.putExtra("outputFormat", Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG.toString());		intent.putExtra("noFaceDetection", true);		intent.putExtra(MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT, uri);		intent.putExtra("return-data", false);//设置为不返回数据 		((Activity) context).startActivityForResult(intent, REQUE_CODE_CROP);	}

在很多博客中都把“return-data”设置为了true然后在onActivityResult中通过data.getParcelableExtra("data")来获取数据,不过这样的话dp这个变量的值就不能太大了,不然你的程序就挂了。这里也就是我遇到问题的地方了,在大多数高配手机上这样用是没有问题的,不过很多低配手机就有点hold不住了,直接就异常了,包括我们的国产神机米3也没能hold住,所以我建议大家不要通过return data 大数据,小数据还是没有问题的,说以我们在剪切图片的时候就尽量使用Uri这个东东来帮助我们。zAZHTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网

下面是我们进行剪裁用到的一些参数zAZHTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网

Exta Options Table for image/* crop:zAZHTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网

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SetExtra DataType Description
crop String Signals the crop feature
aspectX int Aspect Ratio
aspectY int Aspect Ratio
outputX int width of output created from this Intent
outputY int width of output created from this Intent
scale boolean should it scale
return-data boolean Return the bitmap with Action=inline-data by using the data
data Parcelable Bitmap to process, you may provide it a bitmap (not tested)
circleCrop String if this string is not null, it will provide some circular cr
MediaStore.EXTRA_OUTPUT ("output") URI Set this URi to a File:///, see example code

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最后把通过Uri获得bitmap的方法给大家贴上zAZHTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网

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public static Bitmap getBitmapFromUri(Uri uri,Context mContext)	 {	 try	 {	  // 读取uri所在的图片	  Bitmap bitmap = MediaStore.Images.Media.getBitmap(mContext.getContentResolver(), uri);	  return bitmap;	 }	 catch (Exception e)	 {	  e.printStackTrace();	  return null;	 }	 }
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