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本文示例为大家分享了Java抽奖抢购算法,供大家参考,具体内容如下Rv9HTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网

应用场景Rv9HTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网

单件奖品抢购(可限时)Rv9HTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网
多件奖品按概率中奖(可限时、可不限量)Rv9HTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网

代码实现Rv9HTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网

表结构:Rv9HTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网

--抽奖设置create table AWARD_INFO( ID     NUMBER(11) not null, ACT_ID   NUMBER(11),  --活动ID NUM    NUMBER(11),  --奖品总量(0为不限量) REST    NUMBER(11),  --奖品余量 ODDS    NUMBER(11) default 0,  --中奖概率 START_DATE DATE,     --开始日期(可为空) END_DATE  DATE,     --结束日期(可为空) PRODUCT_ID NUMBER(11),  --奖品ID STATE   NUMBER(5) default 0,  --状态 0-有效 1-失效 INFO_TYPE NUMBER(5) default 0   --0-正常 );alter table AWARD_INFO add constraint PK_AWARD_INFO primary key (ID);--中奖纪录create table AWARD_LOG( id     number(11),   act_id   number(11),  --活动ID get_time  date,  --中奖时间 product_id number(11),  --奖品ID num    number(11) default 1,  --中奖数量 person   varchar2(50),  --中奖人 info_id  number(11),  --抽奖设置ID state   number(5)  --状态 0-有效 1-失效);alter table AWARD_LOG add constraint PK_AWARD_LOG primary key (ID);

代码:Rv9HTML5中文学习网 - HTML5先行者学习网

  public static class AwardResult{    public int ret;  //返回结果    public int logId; //AWARD_LOG id  }  /**   * 抽奖算法   * @param actId 抽奖活动ID   * @param person 抽奖人   * @param productId 奖品ID -1则为该活动ID下所有奖品   * @param excludeId 排除奖品ID -1 则不排除,与productId不能同时>0   * @param checkDate 是否检查时间   * @return -1 没有抽奖数据;-2 奖品已抽完; -3 其他错误;>=0 中奖productId; -4 排除id   * @throws Exception   */  public static AwardResult getAwardFull(int actId, String person, int productId, int[] excludeIds, boolean checkDate) throws SQLException{    AwardResult result = new AwardResult();     Connection conn = JDBC.getConnection();    conn.setAutoCommit(false);    try{      List<Map<String,Object>> rows;      String sql;      String checkDateStr = "";      String baseSql = "select, t.product_id, t.num,, t.odds, t.info_type from award_info t where t.act_id=? and t.state=0 ";      if(checkDate){        checkDateStr = " and t.start_Date <= sysdate and t.end_Date >= sysdate ";      }      if(productId > 0){//抢购        sql = baseSql + " and t.product_id=? " + checkDateStr + " for update";        rows = JDBC.getRows(sql, new Object[]{actId, productId}, conn);      }else{//活动所有物品抽奖        sql = baseSql + checkDateStr + " for update";        rows = JDBC.getRows(sql, new Object[]{actId}, conn);      }      if(rows.isEmpty()){//没有抽奖数据"没有抽奖数据 actId={} person={} productId={} excludeIds={} checkDate={}", actId, person, productId, excludeIds, checkDate);        conn.commit();        result.ret = -1;        return result;      }      int infoId = -1;      int getProductId = -1;      int num = -1;      int rest = -1;      if(rows.size() == 1){//抢购        num = ((Number)rows.get(0).get("NUM")).intValue();        rest = ((Number)rows.get(0).get("REST")).intValue();        infoId = ((Number)rows.get(0).get("ID")).intValue();        getProductId = ((Number)rows.get(0).get("PRODUCT_ID")).intValue();      }else{//抽奖        int[][] temp = new int[rows.size()][3];        int sum = -1;        int i = 0;        for(int k = 0; k < rows.size(); k++){//设置奖品池          int odds = ((BigDecimal)rows.get(k).get("ODDS")).intValue();          sum++;          temp[i][0] = sum; //起始值          sum = sum + odds;          temp[i][1] = sum; //结束值          temp[i][2] = k;  //rows index          i++;        }        //抽奖        Random random = new Random();        int r = random.nextInt(sum + 1);        int j = 0;        for(int k = 0; k < i; k++){          if(r >= temp[k][0] && r <= temp[k][1]){            j = k;            break;          }        }        infoId = ((BigDecimal)rows.get(temp[j][2]).get("ID")).intValue();        getProductId = ((BigDecimal)rows.get(temp[j][2]).get("PRODUCT_ID")).intValue();        num = ((Number)rows.get(temp[j][2]).get("NUM")).intValue();        rest = ((Number)rows.get(temp[j][2]).get("REST")).intValue();      }      //判断是否排除id      if(ArrayUtils.contains(excludeIds, getProductId)){"是排除ID actId={} person={} productId={} excludeIds={} checkDate={}", actId, person, productId, excludeIds, checkDate);        conn.commit();        result.ret = -4;        return result;      }      //存量不足      if(num > 0 && rest <= 0){"奖品已清空 actId={} person={} productId={} excludeIds={} checkDate={}", actId, person, productId, excludeIds, checkDate);        JDBC.commit(conn);        result.ret = -2;        return result;      }      //更新奖品记录      if(num > 0){//非不限量        sql = "update award_info set rest = rest - 1 where id = ?";        JDBC.update(sql, new Object[]{infoId}, conn);      }      //记录获奖名单      AwardLog log = new AwardLog();      log.setActId(actId);      log.setNum(1);      log.setPerson(person);      log.setProductId(getProductId);      log.setInfoId(infoId);      Number logId =;      if(logId == null){        throw new SQLException("save award_log error");      }      result.logId = logId.intValue();      conn.commit();      result.ret = getProductId;      return result;    }catch(SQLException e){      log.error("getAward error", e);      conn.rollback();    }finally{      JDBC.close(conn);    }    result.ret = -3;    return result;  }

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